こんいちは、みんなさん。If you're a fan of J-pop, do you like trying to sing along? I try to – try –but there is always the problem of lyrics. Lyrics sites always post lyrics in ローマジ, which I now dislike using, and かんじ, which we can't understand. So, why not write out the lyrics in ひらがな using ローマジ as a guide and かんじ as a test for accuracy?
Here is my first attempt, with the song "Kings" by angela. It's the opening song for the anime "K". If you catch mistakes, let me know! And if you have any requests, comment below!
みんなさん、みってください!Now that we known かたかな, we can read airport signs!
On another note, isn't it funny that the sign says ステション rather than えき? Is it because the rest of the phrase is foreign, or because えき only refers to train stations. わかりません。
わたしのともだちよくうちにいきました。キチンでクッキーをつくりました(baked, in the sense of "made"; the other option was やけました、but I was under the impression that this was a passive construction.)
いま、にほんごをべんきょうしますか。しゅくだいをしますか。Are you stressed out by all of those particles and prepositional phrases? (たいへんですね!) じゃあ, you're in luck! YouTubeにリラクシングピアノジブリコレクションのヴィデオがあります。
(すみません、for some reason the video wouldn't let me share it directly to Blogger – perhaps a copyright issue, or something to do with the original poster's settings? So here's a link instead.)