
Something really awesome about Japan

One of the many wonderful things about Japan is the mini marts. It's true! When we stayed in Kyoto, there was a 7-Eleven type establishment near our hotel, and it had all sorts of marvelous foodstuffs. Sushi of various forms, hunks of real salmon, soy sauce-soaked boiled eggs, little packets of freeze-dried seaweed, matcha powder, and best of all:

Dango. You have no idea how long I had been searching for this. Perhaps I was corrupted by anime, because I was under the impression there'd be a dango shop around every corner. Alas, no. But there it suddenly was, in a refrigerated bin in the middle of a mini mart! I don't know if this having so much food in a convenience store is common in Japan or whether it's just a Kyoto thing, but I thought it was awesome. (The dango was pretty good, too.)


  1. Ahh yes, the famous コンビニ (Konbini)! Much better than our dinky little convenience stores here in the United States.

    Dango is the best :D! I once tried to make it based on some random Japanese dude's recipe... it took me 4 hours to clean up the kitchen and it didn't even taste that good :(.

    1. Yay, thanks for letting me know what they're called! When we go study abroad, we should be sure to master the art of preparing dango. :)

  2. Feeling hungry now... Do we have that in South Bend?

  3. What is dango? I haven't heard of it before now. Looks like it's probably good, though.

    1. As far as I know, dango are dumplings made out of rice flour. In and of itself they seem pretty tasteless, but the ones I had were served with some sort of sweet soy sauce derivative – I thought it was caramel at first. I've also heard of some made with red bean paste in the middle.

  4. I have seen this in Gintama!!! And I am really curious how would it taste like?

    1. Yeah, I saw them in "The Legend of the Legendary Heroes" (でんせつのゆうしゃのでんせつ). I think there are many types of dingo, but the ones I have – the ones in the picture – were covered in some type of sweet soy sauce thing. The dumplings themselves are really chewy and kind of starchy. Like a moister version of gnocchi. :)

  5. The convenience stores over there are so good it's not even funny. The stores not only have the daily necessities such as medicines and beauty products, but they also have food and machines to warm up you food. Most stores have windows, and along them there are bar tables with chairs. So you could literally be like, 'I'm hungry, don't have a lot of money', walk over to your closest convenience store, and have some warm soup, bean paste buns, and sweets...and eat there too! AND IT'S TOTALLY NORMAL! Guys, have to go and eat at one a few times when we go abroad...

  6. It looks very delicious! I would like to try it also
